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[RQK]⋙ Download Peaches Jodi Lynn Anderson Books

Peaches Jodi Lynn Anderson Books

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Peaches Jodi Lynn Anderson Books

I am a sucker for friendship stories. I'll admit it.

The whole peaches series is probably one of my favorite series. This review is for all three books in the series.

I love all three main characters, I love the setting, I love the side characters, I love their problems, and I love how all of those things just wrap up in a story together.

Birdie is the glue who holds everyone together, and Lena & Murphy are these two chaotic forces with problems neither of them really know how to fix.

I really liked how flawed each character is, and how they each hole themselves up inside themselves, but somehow when they're together they see beneath that.

The settings are amazing, suited to each girl's personality, yet they all come together at the orchard.

The side characters don't seem like minor characters because they each are full of personality.

Romance in this is not a major event, nor is it minor, which I liked because it shows that the girls do care about having a relationships, but their relationship is not the only subject of their life.

Finally I love how each girl grows, and how they each start to gain little tidbits of each others personality, whether that is good or bad.

All in all this series will fill you with such good, and sweet feelings.

I wouldn't say it is a deep read, nor would I say it was light as the girls do have problems.

I would say it is the perfect book series to read for a car ride, because it gives you a really good feeling at the end because not everything goes perfectly, not everything wraps up neatly, yet just enough good things happen that you are satisfied.

The only reason I gave it four stars is because it could have had more depth, I think deep reads are my favorite, as they make me think more. But I think it would've compromised some of the happy, sweet, light feeling during this book, and that is one of the reasons I liked it so much.

Read Peaches Jodi Lynn Anderson Books

Tags : Peaches (9780060733070): Jodi Lynn Anderson: Books,Jodi Lynn Anderson,Peaches,HarperCollins,0060733071,Girls & Women,Romance - General,Social Themes - Friendship,Family,Family problems,Family problems;Fiction.,Farm life - Georgia,Farm life;Georgia;Fiction.,Georgia,Interpersonal relations,Interpersonal relations;Fiction.,Peach,Teenage girls,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Farm life,Fiction,Love & Romance,Personal & social issues: sexuality & relationships (Children's Teenage),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Coming of Age,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Contemporary,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Friendship,Young Adult Fiction Girls & Women,Young Adult Fiction Romance General,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionRomance - General

Peaches Jodi Lynn Anderson Books Reviews

I read these books my senior year of high school and loved them. i am 20 now and saw that a third and final book came out and decided to purchase the first two to read again, it was like reuniting with old friends. i love these books and reccomend them to anyone!
I am absolutely in love with this book. I read it a few years ago and just now got it on my kindle. It's wonderfully funny, juicy, and, in a word, badass.
Good read. First book my daughter and her friend's read together in there book club. They loved it. Made them wish they were there in the peach orchards
Just couldn't get interested. I even stopped where I was and started all over. Just could not finish.
I enjoyed the different personalities and how they were drawn to each other in friendship. A good, clean read. Very entertaining.
i was kinda disappointed with this book series birdie for instance was not very mature or likable in my mind, and leeda came off very snobby i liked murphy she was a breath of fresh air i liked the relationships she formed and how determined she was to achieve her dreams. all in all i would have liked to know more bout murphy's relationship with her absentee dad once she found out who he was, more about enrico, more about leedas new guy and more about rex and murphy
I've overlooked this book several times before and after seeing it in a YouTube book reviews video I decided to give it a shot and I am so happy I did. It started off slow but it quickly picked up the pace and I was unable to put it down. You got to know all three main characters so personally which I love about a book because then you can be happy with them or sympathize with them, which you will often in the novel. I'm excited to read the next to books in this series and see what happens to the main characters.
I am a sucker for friendship stories. I'll admit it.

The whole peaches series is probably one of my favorite series. This review is for all three books in the series.

I love all three main characters, I love the setting, I love the side characters, I love their problems, and I love how all of those things just wrap up in a story together.

Birdie is the glue who holds everyone together, and Lena & Murphy are these two chaotic forces with problems neither of them really know how to fix.

I really liked how flawed each character is, and how they each hole themselves up inside themselves, but somehow when they're together they see beneath that.

The settings are amazing, suited to each girl's personality, yet they all come together at the orchard.

The side characters don't seem like minor characters because they each are full of personality.

Romance in this is not a major event, nor is it minor, which I liked because it shows that the girls do care about having a relationships, but their relationship is not the only subject of their life.

Finally I love how each girl grows, and how they each start to gain little tidbits of each others personality, whether that is good or bad.

All in all this series will fill you with such good, and sweet feelings.

I wouldn't say it is a deep read, nor would I say it was light as the girls do have problems.

I would say it is the perfect book series to read for a car ride, because it gives you a really good feeling at the end because not everything goes perfectly, not everything wraps up neatly, yet just enough good things happen that you are satisfied.

The only reason I gave it four stars is because it could have had more depth, I think deep reads are my favorite, as they make me think more. But I think it would've compromised some of the happy, sweet, light feeling during this book, and that is one of the reasons I liked it so much.
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