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Hannibal Thomas Harris 9780099297703 Books

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Hannibal Thomas Harris 9780099297703 Books

I was very hesitant to buy this book after seeing how evenly divided people were between loving and hating it. But then I realized that some of the best books drive fans to polarize this way, so I gave it a chance.

To me, this book did reach a feverish nightmare quality that felt heightened compared to its predecessors. However, for Harris to pull off the ending, that height was necessary. Yes, it was shocking, but also utterly satisfying, and it couldn't have been accomplished any other way.

I didn't entirely enjoy the middle section in Italy, but perhaps it only made me that much more glad to return to Starling and her action-packed chapters. If you're someone who gets particularly thrilled by a blazing showdown at the climax of a book, I'd recommend this book.
If you're more interested in Harris' craft as a murder mystery writer, this book may have veered too far into ethereal horror territory for you.

But either way, I think it's worth giving it a try.

Read Hannibal Thomas Harris 9780099297703 Books

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Hannibal Thomas Harris 9780099297703 Books Reviews

I read this book immediately after Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal, so the character of Hannibal Lecter was fresh in my mind. Compared to the first three (including Red Dragon, which I read last year), this book is much different. Red Dragon and Silence are tight police procedurals in which an FBI employee (Will Graham and Clarice Starling, respectively) goes on the hunt for a serial killer consulting with the captured Dr. Hannibal Lecter, whose character increases importance and "screen time" as we move through the series. Hannibal (book 3) puts Dr. Lecter in more of a hero's role, being hunted several years after his escape from captivity. Hannibal Rising has almost none of the procedural elements of the first three books but instead allows a glimpse into how a character like Hannibal Lecter could be molded (based on the atrocities he witnessed and was victimized by during WWII).

If you liked the character of Hannibal Lecter from the first three books, this book is worth checking out in my opinion. You don't get some of the biting insight that Hannibal displays in the earlier novels, which I found to be the most interesting scenes, but I was never bored. Some critics have said Harris only wrote this to cash in on the movie which was going to be made with or without his participation, but I would disagree. I think this novel shows an empathy to the character of Hannibal Lecter, who, in my opinion, was made into the monster you come to know in the later works rather than born as one.

Thomas Harris could be accused of leaning on a well known (and fascinating character) to push the series further, but he gained plenty of good favor in books 1-3 so I'm certainly not complaining.
LOVE this book. Ive read it no less than ten times and this digital version is because the pages started to come off the paperback. The writing is spell-binding and the plot-line takes the reader on a whirlwind. I also LOVE that Lecter and Starling get together at the end. I know so many think it was crazy but it makes perfect sense to me. The Lecter back story is also enthralling and humanizes the character in a way that the entire SUCKY rendering of Hannibal Rising could not deliver. Id give this ten stars if permitted. LOVE THIS BOOK!!
I give the book four stars. To explain the story seemed choppy to me. Perhaps I'm a fan of architecture in writing; avid description and character development. The psychology Harris tackles in these novels is what makes them a pleasant read, in my experience. I enjoy the descriptions of characters, their thought processes. Harris' brief allowance into the mind of Lecter, specifically, and other characters was rewarding. Note I said brief. Something seemed rushed with this novel.

I wasn't upset with the ending, as so many fans seem to be. I get the strong female lead, Clarice Starling, and the reasons why, perhaps, fans wanted her character to remain ABOVE the influence of Lecter, to forever stand for some sort of invisible integrity placed upon what a "strong" female should be. Fans seemed disappointed because Clarice became human, through her untimely empathy and understanding of Lecter as, not a monster, but as another human being. The monster became human and for a moment we understood him, but we don't like to acknowledge we can understand monstrous behavior. The lamb, our strong female lead, then became lesser, almost monstrous herself, because she came to this understanding, and eventually offered herself as sort of a sacrifice to not only curb the monsters appetite, but in her own way, heal her own wounds.

I found this novel to be a delightful read, along with the others. I really enjoy seeing how the writing and characters were woven together to create the "Hannibal" television series. That series was a fantastic, and visually stunning adaptation of Harris' work. To which I highly recommend!

If your mind is open, and you simply enjoy reading, these novels are truly a treat.
I was very hesitant to buy this book after seeing how evenly divided people were between loving and hating it. But then I realized that some of the best books drive fans to polarize this way, so I gave it a chance.

To me, this book did reach a feverish nightmare quality that felt heightened compared to its predecessors. However, for Harris to pull off the ending, that height was necessary. Yes, it was shocking, but also utterly satisfying, and it couldn't have been accomplished any other way.

I didn't entirely enjoy the middle section in Italy, but perhaps it only made me that much more glad to return to Starling and her action-packed chapters. If you're someone who gets particularly thrilled by a blazing showdown at the climax of a book, I'd recommend this book.
If you're more interested in Harris' craft as a murder mystery writer, this book may have veered too far into ethereal horror territory for you.

But either way, I think it's worth giving it a try.
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